Introductory Class free, sign up in advance monthly on Sundays 10 am-10:45 am and Fridays, 7-7:45 pm Call/text 253 370-3290 email [email protected] for the schedule and to sign up Focusing on the heart meridian, this form of qigong imitates the movement of the crane. A gentle but very effective practice for calming the nervous system and improving health, popular in China and many other countries, the Five Routines enhance the central channel flow of qi to all organs and body systems. Full training in all Five Routines will require 10 hours, $150 includes instruction and Professor Chen's Level One book. Schedule will be set to accommodate your needs. CD and DVD available for an additional cost. Maria is Certified by Professor Hui-xian Chen as a Level One Soaring Crane Qigong teacher, and has taught this form for over fifteen years. |
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