Continuing Education Hands-On Courses, 2023-24
All Classes available by request with a minimum of 4 week advance planning and a minimum enrollment of 2 and maximum of 6 participants. Flexible course times available Friday or Saturday evenings or Sundays all day, but other times may be possible. Classes offered either at the Udara office in Univ Place, or at your office space. CE units = class hours.
for PT, PTA, OTR, COTA,LMT and other healthcare professionals
open to pilates teachers and others with instructor permission
course descriptions below
Ebb & Flow based on craniosacral and similar techniques
Introductory Class, 3 hours, $60
Dynamic Manual Nerve Glide Classes
Shoulder & Neck, 3 hours, $60
Knee & Ankle, 3 hours, $60
Hip & Pelvis, 3 hours, $60
Elbow &Wrist, 3 hours, $60
Ebb and Flow: Introduction to Craniosacral Therapy
Palpate the cranial wave, also called the cerebrospinal fluid rhythm, as well as learn a few introductory treatment techniques. Overview of the historical roots of this treatment, pertinent anatomy, and current schools of teaching.
Knee and Ankle
Learn how to palpate nerves which affect pain and swelling around the knee and ankle, and to perform nerve glides with appropriate touch quality and rhythm. We will also incorporate some exercise approaches based on Tai Chi and yoga principles.
Shoulder and Neck
Learn light touch techniques to work on cervicalgia, headaches, midscapular pain, shoulder pain, shoulder tendonitis, shoulder pain
Hip and Pelvis
Learn techniques to address lumbosacral pain, groin pain, sciatica, and IT band pain
Foam Roller, Yoga and Qigong for Balance
Learn exercises for knee and ankle stability using Tai Chi movements and yoga postural principles
to assist clients in regaining normal proprioceptive awareness and to improve balance control
while standing on foam rollers of different sizes and hardness.
Class fees are payable with a $20 deposit and the balance due at the time of the class.
Cash, check, zelle, venmo, or credit/debit card accepted.
Certificates of completion given at time of class.
Replacement certificates available by email request if needed.
To request a class, please email [email protected]
or send a text message to 253 370-3290
Classes held at 4009 Bridgeport Way West, Suite E3, University Place, WA 98466
or at your clinic/office
Testimonials from previous course participants
"Maria has a very gentle teaching style. I really liked the small class for learning hands-on techniques. I will definitely be taking more courses." N, LMT
"Enjoyed hands-on and working with different partners. I could really feel the energy flow." E, LMT
"The instructor was very patient and informative. She gave great examples and had very good visual hands-on." L, LMT
Information about classes also by clicking below